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Project Team

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Researchers (Project Team)

Monday 19 January 2009
Name Institute Project Role Photo KAPLAN, David IRD Overall coordinator of project; MPA specialist; single-species bio-economic modeling; organization of symposium / special volume CHABOUD, Christian IRD Single species, bio-economic modeling (GL,SA); use of game theory in (...)

Postdocs (Project Team)

Monday 19 January 2009
Name Institute Director Research Photo BANARU, Daniela Ifremer Capucine Mellon Ecosystem modeling in the Gulf of Lions. WP 3.3. DELATTRE, Thomas IRD David Kaplan / Yunne Shin Ecosystem modeling in South Africa. WP 3.3. DUERI, Sibylle IRD Olivier Maury (...)

Students (Project Team)

Monday 19 January 2009
Doctoral Students Name Institute Thesis Director Research Photo FORTILUS, Jeanne IRD / U. Nantes Patrice Guillotreau Bio-economic modeling of MPAs for the Indian Ocean tuna fishery. WP 3.5 & 4.2. GRUSS, Arnaud IRD David Kaplan Offshore MPA modeling for hake in (...)

Steering Committee (Project Team)

Wednesday 21 January 2009
The steering committee of the project includes the heads of the 5 Work Packages (WP 0 & 5: David KAPLAN (IRD); WP 1: Capucine MELLON (Ifremer); WP 2: Jean-Marc FROMENTIN (Ifremer); WP 3: Olivier MAURY (IRD); WP 4: Gwenaele PROUTIÈRE-MAULION (CDMO)), as well as two experts outside the project: (...)

Other Affiliated Institutions and Researchers (Project Team)

Monday 19 January 2009
The project maintains links with representatives from the fishing industry, marine resource managers, and scientists leading other relevant MPA projects. These include: Bertrand Wendling / Sa.Tho.An & AMOP: Director of the leading fishermen organizations in Languedoc-Roussillon. These (...)

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