
Monday 19 January 2009

Name Institute Director Research Photo
BANARU, Daniela Ifremer Capucine Mellon Ecosystem modeling in the Gulf of Lions. WP 3.3. Daniela Banaru
DELATTRE, Thomas IRD David Kaplan / Yunne Shin Ecosystem modeling in South Africa. WP 3.3.
DUERI, Sibylle IRD Olivier Maury APECOSM Ecosystem modeling of Indian Ocean tunas. WP 3.4.
GUYOMARD, Ann-Isabelle CDMO Gwenaellle Proutiere-Maulion Governance of high-seas MPAs. WP 4.1. Anne-Isabelle Guyomard
KANE, Khalifa Ababacar CDMO Odile Delfour Governance of high-seas MPAs. WP 4.1.

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