3rd Annual AMPED Project Meeting

Tuesday 19 April 2011

The 3rd annual AMPED meeting will be held May 3-6, 2011 at the All Africa House on the University of Cape Town campus in South Africa.


The details of the schedule can be found here. Overall program will consist of:

- Financial and scientific summary by the director of each project partner.
- In depth presentations of progress to date focusing on doctoral and postdoctoral work.
- Small group discussions to build a base for comparative work between different approaches in the project.
- Group discussion focusing on preparations for the special volume of publications and perspectives for future projects.

Hotel information and maps

Accommodation has been arranged for all participants at the All Africa House on the UCT campus. Meeting presentations will also be held there. A google map of the UCT and Cape Town area with important sites for the meeting is available.

All participants arriving by plane should take a taxi or shuttle from the airport to All Africa House. Make sure to take a licensed taxi.

After returning from meeting

In order to reimburse your travel after the meeting is over, we will need to receive the original travel (airline ticket stubs, train tickets, etc.) and hotel receipts. Please hold on to all such receipts. Food receipts will not be necessary.

Attached documents

19 April 2011
Document : PDF
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