
Monday 19 January 2009

Doctoral Students

Name Institute Thesis Director Research Photo
FORTILUS, Jeanne IRD / U. Nantes Patrice Guillotreau Bio-economic modeling of MPAs for the Indian Ocean tuna fishery. WP 3.5 & 4.2. Jeanne Fortilus
GRUSS, Arnaud IRD David Kaplan Offshore MPA modeling for hake in South Africa and the Gulf of Lions. WP 3.2. Arnaud Gruss
MAUFROY, Alex IRD David Kaplan, Emmanuel Chassot Indian Ocean FAD use and its impact on marine protected areas (partially funded by FFP). WP 2.3.
MORFIN, Marie Ifremer Jean-Marc Fromentin Multi-species habitat definitions for the Gulf of Lions. WP 2.1. Marie Morfin
SMITH, Melanie UCT/CapFish Colin Attwood IBM modeling of hake in South Africa. WP 2.2 & 3.1.

Masters Students

Name Institute Project Director Research Photo
AGEORGES, Céline CDMO Gwenaelle PROUTIERE-MAULION High seas marine protected areas governance.
DURIEUX, Brice Ifremer Capucine MELLON Variabilité de paramètres biologiques du merlu dans le Golfe du Lion : effets indirects de la pêche
GARAVELLI, Lysel IRD Christophe Lett / David Kaplan IBM model of larval dispersal of South African hake species. Lysel Garavelli
MARINESQUE, Sophie IRD David Kaplan Worldwide MPA distribution
MORALES, Misael IRD David Kaplan / Emmanuel Chassot Effect of pirate activity near Somalia on the Indian Ocean tuna fishery. Misael Morales

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