Masters Projects, PhD Theses and Other Reports
Monday 30 January 2012
Celine Ageorges
Master 2 Report: Le cadre juridique de la gestion des thons de l’océan Indien
Brice Durieux
Jean Fortilus
Lysel Garavelli
Master 2 Report: Modélisation de la dispersion des oeufs et larves de merlus du Cap
Arnaud Gruss
PhD Thesis Fig. A2: Movie of inshore trawl fishing effort seasonality
PhD Thesis Fig. A3: Movie of offshore trawl fishing effort seasonality
PhD Thesis Fig. A4: Movie of longline fishing effort seasonality
Kalifa Ababacar Kane
Case Study: Etude du régime juridique du sanctuaire de Pelagos : difficultés d’application et conditions de son effectivité. 2012, CDMO, Univ. Nantes, Nantes, France
Sophie Marinesque
Author’s copy of Marinesque et al. 2012, that also served as her Master 2 Report.
Alexandra Maufroy
Misael Morales
Marie Morfin
Other Reports
Chassot E, Guillotreau P, Kaplan DM, Vallée T (2012) The tuna fishery and piracy. In: Norchi CH, Proutière-Maulion G (eds) Piracy in comparative perspective: Problems, strategies, law. Editions A. Pedone & Hart Publishing, Oxford, United Kingdom, p 51–72
Davies TK, Martin S, Mees C, Chassot E, Kaplan DM (2012) A review of the conservation benefits of marine protected areas for pelagic species associated with fisheries. ISSF Technical Report 2012-02.
Robinson J, Grüss A, Kaplan DM (2013) Conservation and fisheries effects of protecting aggregative spawners using no-take reserves. In: Status and Management of Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations in the Western Indian Ocean. p 113–122