Masters Projects, PhD Theses and Other Reports

Monday 30 January 2012

Celine Ageorges

Master 2 Report: Le cadre juridique de la gestion des thons de l’océan Indien

Brice Durieux

Master 2 Report: Variabilité de paramètres biologiques du merlu dans le Golfe du Lion : effets indirects de la pêche

Jean Fortilus

PhD Thesis:Modélisation Bioéconomique des Pêcheries Thonières: Mise en place d’Aires Marines Protégées en Haute Mer de l’Océan Indien

Lysel Garavelli

Master 2 Report: Modélisation de la dispersion des oeufs et larves de merlus du Cap

Arnaud Gruss

PhD Thesis: Evaluation of the effectiveness of marine protected areas for mobile exploited fish populations and their fisheries : Modeling approaches

PhD Thesis Fig. A2: Movie of inshore trawl fishing effort seasonality

PhD Thesis Fig. A3: Movie of offshore trawl fishing effort seasonality

PhD Thesis Fig. A4: Movie of longline fishing effort seasonality

Kalifa Ababacar Kane

Case Study: Etude du régime juridique du sanctuaire de Pelagos : difficultés d’application et conditions de son effectivité. 2012, CDMO, Univ. Nantes, Nantes, France

Sophie Marinesque

Author’s copy of Marinesque et al. 2012, that also served as her Master 2 Report.

Alexandra Maufroy

Master 2 Report: Characterization of the spatial and temporal dynamics of drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) used by the French fleet of purse seiners in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans

Misael Morales

Master 2 Report: Estimating the effects of Somali piracy on tropical tuna fisheries of the western Indian Ocean

Marie Morfin

PhD Thesis: Dynamiques spatio-temporelles d’espèces démersales clés du golfe du Lion : bénéfices potentiels d’aires marines protégées

Other Reports

Chassot E, Dewals P, Floch L, Lucas V, Morales-Vargas M, Kaplan DM (2010) Analysis of the effects of Somali piracy on the European tuna purse seine fisheries of the Indian Ocean. IOTC-2010-SC-09, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, Victoria, Seychelles

Chassot E, Guillotreau P, Kaplan DM, Vallée T (2012) The tuna fishery and piracy. In: Norchi CH, Proutière-Maulion G (eds) Piracy in comparative perspective: Problems, strategies, law. Editions A. Pedone & Hart Publishing, Oxford, United Kingdom, p 51–72

Davies TK, Martin S, Mees C, Chassot E, Kaplan DM (2012) A review of the conservation benefits of marine protected areas for pelagic species associated with fisheries. ISSF Technical Report 2012-02.

Robinson J, Grüss A, Kaplan DM (2013) Conservation and fisheries effects of protecting aggregative spawners using no-take reserves. In: Status and Management of Reef Fish Spawning Aggregations in the Western Indian Ocean. p 113–122

Attached documents

Rapport_stage_Brice_ Durieux.pdf

18 February 2014
Document : PDF
647.2 kb


5 February 2014
Document : PDF
3.1 Mb


21 January 2014
Document : PDF
31.2 Mb


17 January 2014
Document : PDF
218 kb


17 January 2014
Document : PDF
6.2 Mb


30 January 2012
Document : PDF
2.2 Mb


30 January 2012
Document : PDF
3.2 Mb


30 January 2012
Document : PDF
3.2 Mb


30 January 2012
Document : PDF
9.4 Mb


30 January 2012
Document : PDF
804.1 kb


30 January 2012
Document : AVI
8 Mb


30 January 2012
Document : AVI
8 Mb


30 January 2012
Document : AVI
8 Mb

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