
Monday 19 January 2009

Name Institute Project Role Photo
KAPLAN, David IRD Overall coordinator of project; MPA specialist; single-species bio-economic modeling; organization of symposium / special volume David Kaplan
CHABOUD, Christian IRD Single species, bio-economic modeling (GL,SA); use of game theory in study of MPA governance
GUILLOTREAU, Patrice IRD (Univ. Nantes) Bio-economic modeling in IO
FONTENEAU, Alain IRD Expert on IO fisheries; organization and analysis of spatial distribution of fish and fishing pressure, and of behavioral data; governance issues
LE LOC’H, François IRD Isotopic signatures of SA species; ecosystem modeling in GL
MARSAC, Francis IRD Expert on IO fisheries; organization and analysis of spatial habitat distribution and behavioral data; Indian Ocean ecosystem modeling
MAURY, Olivier IRD IO ecosystem and bio-economic modeling; Dynamic Energy Budget Models (DEB - APECOSM)
ROUSSEL, Sébastien Univ. Montpellier I & III Bioeconomic modelling
SHIN, Yunne IRD Isotopic signatures of SA species; ecosystem modeling in SA
MELLON, Capucine Ifremer Coordinator of partner; tagging of hake in GL; analysis of spatial habitat distribution and behavioral data in GL, organization of ecosystem modeling in GL
FROMENTIN, Jean-Marc Ifremer Tagging of bluefin tuna in GL; ; organization and analysis of spatial habitat distribution and behavioral data in, ecosystem modeling in GL
JADAUD, Angelique Ifremer Size-specific reproduction of hake in GL; analysis of spatial habitat distribution and behavioral data in GL with emphasis on hake, ecosystem modeling in GL
ROOS, David Ifremer Analysis of spatial habitat distribution and behavioral data in GL with emphasis on small pelagics, ecosystem modeling in GL
PROUTIERE-MAULION, Gwenaelle CDMO Coordinator of partner; governance of high seas MPA
VALLEE, Thomas CDMO (IAE, Univ. Nantes) Single-species bioeconomic modeling; use of game theory in study of MPA governance
ATTWOOD, Colin UCT Coordinator of partner; MPA expert; habitat mapping in SA; data organization; IBM modeling of SA hake; single-species modeling of SA hake
YEMANE, Dawit UCT (MCM) Ecosystem modeling in SA

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